Chasing Harry Winston

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From the author of the million copy bestselling The Devil Wears Prada. Three best friends. Two resolutions. One year to pull it off. Emmy has just split with her boyfriend of five years. A serial monogamist, she suddenly realises how much she s missed the thrill of single life. A new job travelling across the globe could offer her the one thing she is craving, so she vows to find a man on every co ...Celý popis

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Autor Lauren Weisberger
Vazbaměkká vazba
Vydavatel Harper Collins UK
Počet stran320
Rok vydání14.6.2008
StavDobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

From the author of the million copy bestselling The Devil Wears Prada. Three best friends. Two resolutions. One year to pull it off. Emmy has just split with her boyfriend of five years. A serial monogamist, she suddenly realises how much she s missed the thrill of single life. A new job travelling across the globe could offer her the one thing she is craving, so she vows to find a man on every continent for some pure no-strings-attached fun. Adriana is stunning and can have any man she desires. Yet all she wants is an eligible bachelor who ll slip a five-carat Harry Winston diamond on her finger. Leigh has a doting boyfriend that most girls would kill for. But when literary bad boy Jesse Chapman asks to work with her and more, she just can t refuse. The three friends make a pact - come hell or high water, they must change one thing in their lives by the end of the year...

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