The Drowning

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Swedish crime sensation and No. 1 international bestseller, Camilla Lackberg’s new psychological thriller - for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo NesboChristian Thydell’s dream has come true: his debut novel, The Mermaid, is published to rave reviews. So why is he as distant and unhappy as ever?When crime writer Erica Falck, who discovered Christian’s talents, learns he has been receiving anonymous thr ...Celý popis

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Autor Camilla Läckberg
Vydavatel Harper Collins
Počet stran192
Rok vydání7.11.2016
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

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Swedish crime sensation and No. 1 international bestseller, Camilla Lackberg’s new psychological thriller - for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo NesboChristian Thydell’s dream has come true: his debut novel, The Mermaid, is published to rave reviews. So why is he as distant and unhappy as ever?When crime writer Erica Falck, who discovered Christian’s talents, learns he has been receiving anonymous threats, she investigates not just the messages but also the author’s mysterious past…Meanwhile, one of Christian’s closest friends is missing. Erica’s husband, Detective Patrik Hedström, has his worst suspicions confirmed as the mind-games aimed at Christian and those around him become a disturbing reality.But, with the victims themselves concealing evidence, the investigation is going nowhere. Is their silence driven by fear or guilt? And what is the secret they would rather die to protect than live to see revealed?International bestseller Camilla Lackberg delivers a chilling and suspenseful mystery that will grip the reader right until its staggering final twist…

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