Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy

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The perfect gift for Mother s Day. This is the number one bestseller. Is it morally wrong to have a blow-dry when one of your children has head lice? Is technology now the fifth element? Or is that wood? Is sleeping with someone after 2 dates and 6 weeks of texting the same as getting married after 2 meetings and 6 months of letter writing in Jane Austen s day? Pondering these, and other modern di ...Celý popis

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Autor Helen Fielding
Vazbaměkká vazba
Vydavatel Vintage Books
Počet stran390
Rok vydání19.6.2014
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

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The perfect gift for Mother s Day. This is the number one bestseller. Is it morally wrong to have a blow-dry when one of your children has head lice? Is technology now the fifth element? Or is that wood? Is sleeping with someone after 2 dates and 6 weeks of texting the same as getting married after 2 meetings and 6 months of letter writing in Jane Austen s day? Pondering these, and other modern dilemmas, Bridget Jones stumbles through the challenges of single-motherhood, tweeting, texting and redisovering her sexuality in what some people rudely and outdatedly call middle age . The long-awaited return of a much-loved character, Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy is timely, tender, touching, witty, wise and bloody hilarious.

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