Insight Intermediate Workbook

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121,00 Kč

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insight is a new five-level English course for secondary students. It is a thought-provoking course which will challenge your students to reach their full potential. insight will challenge, develop and inspire your students. It will motivate and engage them with thought provoking topics and information rich texts which will challenge their opinions and inspire them to think critically about the wo ...Celý popis

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Autor Hancock Paul
Vydavatel OXFORD
Počet stran136
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

insight is a new five-level English course for secondary students. It is a thought-provoking course which will challenge your students to reach their full potential. insight will challenge, develop and inspire your students. It will motivate and engage them with thought provoking topics and information rich texts which will challenge their opinions and inspire them to think critically about the world they live in. It will prepare them for a life of learning with a clear focus on developing their skills and autonomous learning habits. It will give your students a deeper awareness of how language works, furnishing them with not just the meaning of vocabulary but also the rules that govern its use, allowing your students to use it with confidence. Key FeaturesThought-provoking topics and information-rich texts will challenge your students’ opinions, educate them about the world they live in, and inspire classroom discussion.A coherent and systematic vocabulary syllabus, Vocabulary insight pages, and a ten-page Vocabulary bank explore vocabulary in greater depth.Culture pages in every unit and related DVD material will broaden your students’ understanding and knowledge of the customs, traditions, and history of English-speaking countries.Optional literature-based lessons in the workbook allow you to enrich your classes with classic English literature.All school-leaving exam topics are covered, and exam-like tasks appear throughout to help prepare your students for their exam.The insight workbook provides further practice of the language taught in the Student's book plus an abundance of extra resources including Literature insight, Pronunciation insight and Exam insight sections. insight will challenge, develop and inspire your students. It will motivate and engage them with thought provoking topics and information rich texts which will challenge their opinions and inspire them to think critically about the world they live in. It will prepare them for a life of learning with a clear focus on developing their skills and autonomous learning habits. It will give your students a deeper awareness of how language works, furnishing them with not just the meaning of vocabulary but also the rules that govern its use, allowing your students to use it with confidence.

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