Project 3 Teacher´s Book

Dobrý (použitá)
69,00 Kč

An innovative, five-level beginner's course for young learners from the age of 10. Key features Project brings English to life through motivating topics within a structured learning environment. It provides a clearly-structured, supportive framework of grammar with the flexibility to allow students to make their own discoveries. Language is presented in stimulating, realistic contexts. A high prof ...Celý popis

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Podrobné informace

Více informací
Autor Tom Hutchinson
Vydavatel OXFORD
Počet stran136
Rok vydání1.10.2010
StavDobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

An innovative, five-level beginner's course for young learners from the age of 10. Key features Project brings English to life through motivating topics within a structured learning environment. It provides a clearly-structured, supportive framework of grammar with the flexibility to allow students to make their own discoveries. Language is presented in stimulating, realistic contexts. A high profile is given to skills development from the start of the course. Cross-curricular project work encourages students to communicate in English about their own lives and experiences. The strong cultural element helps students to establish a connection between language and life. Students are encouraged to learn about life in Britain and other English-speaking countries, as well as to explore differences and draw comparisons with their own cultures. Sdílet 0

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