New Headway Fourth Edition Pre-intermediate Maturita Student´s Book with iTutor DVD-ROM(czech Ed.)

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General English for adults Fourth Edition A completely new Pre-intermediate level of the world's most trusted English course, with brand new digital resources bringing you a completely up-to-date blended Headway course. With fully revised texts and topics, refreshed design and artwork, and brand new digital resources, the Pre-intermediate Fourth Edition takes the Headway experience to a new level. ...Celý popis

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Autor John and Liz Soars
Vazbaměkká vazba
Vydavatel OXFORD
Počet stran183
Rok vydání1.9.2013
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

General English for adults Fourth Edition A completely new Pre-intermediate level of the world's most trusted English course, with brand new digital resources bringing you a completely up-to-date blended Headway course. With fully revised texts and topics, refreshed design and artwork, and brand new digital resources, the Pre-intermediate Fourth Edition takes the Headway experience to a new level. Headway Pre-intermediate Fourth edition remains true to its trusted methodology that has worked for millions of students around the world, but delivers it in a revised and up-to-date format. The brand new digital components for teachers and learners – iTools, iTutor and iChecker – make teaching and learning with Headway Fourth edition a truly flexible and interactive experience. Key Features: •New and updated texts and topics •Integrated skills syllabus with a clear grammar focus •iTools – an all-in-one teaching resource for the interactive classroom •iTutor and iChecker – interactive self-study discs that come with the Student's Book and the Workbook •Full teacher support – resources, photocopiables, tests and more - online and in print •Brand new video content, available for students on iTutor with interactive exercises With the Fourth edition of the best-selling adult course book you can now experience the trusted Headway methodology using the latest in classroom technology: •iTools bring the Fourth edition Student's Book and Workbook alive on the classroom wall, complete with interactive exercises, audio, video, and other teaching resources. The built-in tools like zoom, highlight and screen shade give you and your students a truly interactive teaching and learning experience. iTools also includes customizable flipcharts, wordlists and grammar reference to help you make the most of your Headway lessons. •iTutor is the digital companion to the Student's Book that allows students to revise, review and improve their English outside the classroom. To read more about iTutor and how it encourages learner autonomy, see the iTutor tab. •iChecker is a new digital resource, available to students with the Workbook. It contains all Workbook audio and practice tests to help students identify areas where they need more study. To learn more, see the iChecker tab.

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