Sleep : Change the way you sleep with this 90 minute read

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** As heard recently on Dr. Rangan Chatterjee s podcast Feel Better, Live More ** Nick Littlehales wants to redefine the very meaning of the word sleep - Daily Telegraph Proven solutions for better nights, from an elite sleep coach. One third of our lives are spent trying to sleep. Most us have disturbed, restless nights and rely on a cocktail of caffeine and sugar to drag us through the day. Ye ...Celý popis

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Autor Nick Littlehales
Vydavatel Penguin Books
Počet stran208
Rok vydání27.10.2016
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

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** As heard recently on Dr. Rangan Chatterjee s podcast Feel Better, Live More ** Nick Littlehales wants to redefine the very meaning of the word sleep - Daily Telegraph Proven solutions for better nights, from an elite sleep coach. One third of our lives are spent trying to sleep. Most us have disturbed, restless nights and rely on a cocktail of caffeine and sugar to drag us through the day. Yet the hours we spend in bed shape our mood, motivation and decision-making skills - defining our performance in work, at home and while keeping fit. We need a new approach to sleep In this ground-breaking book, the sleep guru to the stars Nick Littlehales debunks many myths around sleep, Nick introduces the reader to many new concepts, including: Why the fabled eight hours a night just doesn t add up Why you can have that extra glass of wine or eat late without worrying about getting to bed on time Why you might need less sleep than you think The power of the nap - and how you can nap with your eyes open in a room full of people How to manage the impact of technology while remaining fully connected with the world How to deal with jet lag, young children, snoring and other night-time challenges Why teenagers should be lying in - and why they should be starting school later in the day How to discover your own sleep cycle

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