English Grammar in Use

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English Grammar in Use Third edition is a fully updated version of the classic grammar title. Now in full colour, with new units, even more exercises and a brand new CD-ROM, this updated edition retains all the features of clarity and ease-of-use that have made the book so popular with students and teachers.This new edition is available with or without answers and can be used in class or for homew ...Celý popis

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Autor Raymond Murphy
Vydavatel Cambridge University Press
Počet stran379
Rok vydání2004
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

English Grammar in Use Third edition is a fully updated version of the classic grammar title. Now in full colour, with new units, even more exercises and a brand new CD-ROM, this updated edition retains all the features of clarity and ease-of-use that have made the book so popular with students and teachers.This new edition is available with or without answers and can be used in class or for homework. It also comes with a free pull-out grammar reference panel.Key Features• 9 completely new units, including 8 additional units on phrasal verbs• new exercises offering learners more in-depth practice of key grammar points• content informed by the Cambridge International Corpus• A brand new CD-ROM to accompany the third edition of the book. Software by Clarity Language Consultants Ltd.

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