The Couple Next Door

Výborný (použitá)
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The Sunday Times bestseller and WHSmith Book of the Year 2016. PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF ALMOST ANYTHING. A twisty, utterly riveting tale that will send readers on a wild rollercoaster ride of emotions. Shocking revelations kept me turning the pages like a madwoman (TESS GERRITSEN). Fast-paced and addictive, The Couple Next Door announces a major new talent in thriller writing. You never know what s ...Celý popis

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Autor Shari Lapena
Vydavatel Transworld Publishers
Počet stran346
Rok vydání20.4.2017
StavVýborný (použitá)

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The Sunday Times bestseller and WHSmith Book of the Year 2016. PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF ALMOST ANYTHING. A twisty, utterly riveting tale that will send readers on a wild rollercoaster ride of emotions. Shocking revelations kept me turning the pages like a madwoman (TESS GERRITSEN). Fast-paced and addictive, The Couple Next Door announces a major new talent in thriller writing. You never know what s happening on the other side of the wall. Your neighbour told you that she didn t want your six-month-old daughter at the dinner party. Nothing personal, she just couldn t stand her crying. Your husband said it would be fine. After all, you only live next door. You ll have the baby monitor and you ll take it in turns to go back every half hour. Your daughter was sleeping when you checked on her last. But now, as you race up the stairs in your deathly quiet house, your worst fears are realized. She s gone. You ve never had to call the police before. But now they re in your home, and who knows what they ll find there. What would you be capable of, when pushed past your limit? How well do we ever know those around us?The Couple Next Door will keep you glued to the pages in search of the answer. Even then, you ll never guess the truth...until it s too late (LISA GARDNER). I thought the read-it-in-one-sitting thing was a cliche. Not any more (LINWOOD BARCLAY). Meticulously crafted and razor-sharp. THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR lingers long after you turn the final page (HARLAN COBEN).

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