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From the author of RIVERS OF LONDON - the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling PC Peter Grant series returns with something dark south of the river...Ben Aaronovitch has stormed the bestseller list with his superb London crime series. A unique blend of police procedural, loving detail about the greatest character of all, London, and a dash of the supernatural.A mutilated body in Crawley. Another killer on the ...Celý popis

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Autor Ben Aaronovitch
Vydavatel Orion
Počet stran360
Rok vydání10.10.2016
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

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From the author of RIVERS OF LONDON - the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling PC Peter Grant series returns with something dark south of the river...Ben Aaronovitch has stormed the bestseller list with his superb London crime series. A unique blend of police procedural, loving detail about the greatest character of all, London, and a dash of the supernatural.A mutilated body in Crawley. Another killer on the loose. The prime suspect is one Robert Weil - an associate of the twisted magician known as the Faceless Man? Or just a common garden serial killer?Before PC Peter Grant can get his head round the case, a town planner going under a tube train and a stolen grimoire are adding to his case-load. So far so London.But then Peter gets word of something very odd happening in Elephant and Castle, on an housing estate designed by a nutter, built by charlatans and inhabited by the truly desperate. Is there a connection?And if there is, why oh why did it have to be South of the River? Full of warmth, sly humour and a rich cornucopia of things you never knew about London, Aaronovitch's series has swiftly added Grant's magical London to Rebus' Edinburgh and Morse's Oxford as a destination of choice for those who love their crime with something a little extra.Ben Aaronovitch was born and raised in London and all his work has reflected his abiding fascination and love for what he modestly likes to refer to as the Capital of the World. He worked as a bookseller before writing tie-in novels and TV scripts. He used to write for DOCTOR WHO. Sdílet 0

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