Making It Up As I Go Along

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Welcome to the magnificent Making It Up as I Go Along - aka the World According to Marian Keyes(TM) - A bold, brilliant book bursting with Marian s hilarious and heartfelt observations on modern life, love and much, much else besides. Such as? you are determined to ask. Well, how about her guide to breaking up with your hairdresser? Or the warning she has for us all after a particularly traumatic ...Celý popis

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Autor Marian Keyes
Vazbaměkká vazba
Vydavatel Penguin Books
Počet stran439
Rok vydání11.2.2016
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

Welcome to the magnificent Making It Up as I Go Along - aka the World According to Marian Keyes(TM) - A bold, brilliant book bursting with Marian s hilarious and heartfelt observations on modern life, love and much, much else besides. Such as? you are determined to ask. Well, how about her guide to breaking up with your hairdresser? Or the warning she has for us all after a particularly traumatic fling with fake tan. There s the pure and bounteous joy of the nail varnish museum. Not to mention the very best lies to tell if you find yourself on an Arctic cruise. She has words of advice for those fast approaching fifty. And she s here to tell you the secret secret truth about writers - well, this one anyway. You ll be wincing in recognition and scratching your head in incredulity, but like Marian herself you won t be able to stop laughing at the sheer delightful absurdity that is modern life - because each and every one of us is clearly making it up as we go along.

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