Anxiety Solution

Výborný (použitá)
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Learn how to cope with anxiety and become a calmer, happier and more grounded person with this simple and accessible guide. Remarkable, pioneering, could change your life Daily Mail This is a book for anyone experiencing anxiety, guiding you through simple ways to ease panic, dread and fear in the uncertainty of modern life. The Anxiety Solution is a simple and inspiring guide to reducing anxiet ...Celý popis

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Autor Brotheridge Chloe
VazbaPaperback / softback
Vydavatel Penguin Books Ltd
Počet stran256
Rok vydání2017
StavVýborný (použitá)

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Learn how to cope with anxiety and become a calmer, happier and more grounded person with this simple and accessible guide. Remarkable, pioneering, could change your life Daily Mail This is a book for anyone experiencing anxiety, guiding you through simple ways to ease panic, dread and fear in the uncertainty of modern life. The Anxiety Solution is a simple and inspiring guide to reducing anxiety from former sufferer and qualified clinical hypnotherapist, and host of The Calmer You podcast, Chloe Brotheridge. Chloe will help you understand why we feel anxious and will equip you with techniques to help manage the symptoms and start living a happier, more confident life. Based on the latest scientific research and her unique programme which has already helped hundreds of clients, The Anxiety Solution will show you how to regain control of your life. I know what it s like to be stuck in a cycle of anxiety. I used to feel as though fear and worry were a permanent part of who I was . . . but I m here to tell you that it doesn t have to be this way. The truth is, your natural state is one of calmness and confidence - and I m going to teach you how to get there. If you want to spend less time worrying, this book is the solution for you. You ll be surprised how quickly you can be back in control and able to enjoy your life once again.

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