I See You

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This is an excellent race-against-time thriller with shoals of red herrings to tease and taunt readers all the way. It's a must-finish-at-all-costs job' Daily Mail'A chilling and original story that should make everybody reconsider the predictability of their behaviour - kept me reading until dawn', Rachel Abbott, author of The Sixth Window'Accomplished, Addictive and Thought-Provoking - you'll ne ...Celý popis

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Více informací
Autor Clare Mackintosh
Vydavatel Sphere
Počet stran372
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

This is an excellent race-against-time thriller with shoals of red herrings to tease and taunt readers all the way. It's a must-finish-at-all-costs job' Daily Mail'A chilling and original story that should make everybody reconsider the predictability of their behaviour - kept me reading until dawn', Rachel Abbott, author of The Sixth Window'Accomplished, Addictive and Thought-Provoking - you'll never feel the same about taking the tube again' B A Paris, author of The Breakdown and Behind Closed Doors'I See You stands out from the crowd with flawless plotting and an eye for detail which will send a satisfying chill through its readers. I loved it!' Renee Knight, author of Disclaimer'Wonderfully sinister. Had me looking over my shoulder every time I travelled on the tube' Fiona Barton, author of The Widow'Compelling and suffused with menace' Sunday Mirror'Heart-stoppingly excellent' CL Taylor, author of The Lie'I See You is both a compelling portrayal of modern family life and a superbly twisty thriller that keeps you guessing until the very last page. An edge of the seat read' Kate Hamer, author of The Girl in the Red Coat'Anyone who's ever looked over their shoulder when they heard footsteps behind them, or quickened their pace in a deserted underpass, will shudder with recognition at Clare Mackintosh's deliciously creepy tale of urban paranoia' Ruth Ware, author of In a Dark, Dark Wood'I was gripped from the very first page. Creepy and compelling with a twist I didn't see coming. I loved it' Claire Douglas, author of The Sisters'As creepy as they come . . . Sdílet 0

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