Screw Business as Usual

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"Doing good can help improve your prospects, your profits, and your business; and it can change the world. We must change the way we do business". (Richard Branson). Can we bring more meaning to our lives and help change the world at the same time? In "Screw Business as Usual", Richard Branson at his brilliant and motivating best, shares some fascinating and inspiring stories about the people who ...Celý popis

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Autor Richard Branson
Vazbaměkká vazba
Vydavatel Ebury Publishing
Počet stran386
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

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"Doing good can help improve your prospects, your profits, and your business; and it can change the world. We must change the way we do business". (Richard Branson). Can we bring more meaning to our lives and help change the world at the same time? In "Screw Business as Usual", Richard Branson at his brilliant and motivating best, shares some fascinating and inspiring stories about the people who are already leading the way in transforming business into a force for good, for people and for the planet. Reflecting on some of his own experiences, and those of the Virgin Group, he also shares his new vision for the future and describes how businesses can help create a more prosperous world for everyone. It's time to turn capitalism upside down - to shift our values, to switch from a just profit focus to caring for people, communities and the world and to turn our work into something we both love and are proud of. It's time to "Screw Business as Usual".

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