Poirot and Me

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David Suchet shares his many memories of creating this iconic television series and reflects on what the detective has meant to him over the yearsIn the summer of 2013 David Suchet filmed his final scenes as Hercule Poirot. After 24 years in the role, he played the character in every story that Agatha Christie wrote about him (bar one, deemed unfilmable) and he bid adieu to a role and a character ...Celý popis

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Více informací
Autor David Suchet
Vazbaměkká vazba
Vydavatel Headline
Počet stran381
Rok vydání22.5.2014
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

David Suchet shares his many memories of creating this iconic television series and reflects on what the detective has meant to him over the yearsIn the summer of 2013 David Suchet filmed his final scenes as Hercule Poirot. After 24 years in the role, he played the character in every story that Agatha Christie wrote about him (bar one, deemed unfilmable) and he bid adieu to a role and a character that changed his life. Here he tells the story of how he secured the part, with the blessing of Agatha Christie's daughter, and set himself the task of presenting the most authentic Poirot that had ever been filmed. David Suchet is uniquely placed to offer the ultimate companion to one of the world's longest running television series. Peppered with anecdotes about filming, including many tales of the guest stars who have appeared over the years, the book is essential reading for Poirot fans all over the world.

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