Paris for One and Other Stories

Výborný (použitá)
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'Moyes somehow manages to break your heart before restoring your faith in love' Sunday Express A collection of 11 unmissable short stories from the number 1 internationally bestselling author of Me Before You and After You Nell is twenty-six and has never been to Paris. She's never even been on a romantic weekend away-to anywhere-before. Travelling abroad isn't really her thing. But when Nell's bo ...Celý popis

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Autor Jojo Moyes
Vydavatel Penguin Books
Počet stran359
Rok vydání19.10.2017
StavVýborný (použitá)

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'Moyes somehow manages to break your heart before restoring your faith in love' Sunday Express A collection of 11 unmissable short stories from the number 1 internationally bestselling author of Me Before You and After You Nell is twenty-six and has never been to Paris. She's never even been on a romantic weekend away-to anywhere-before. Travelling abroad isn't really her thing. But when Nell's boyfriend fails to show up, she has the chance to prove to everyone-including herself- that she can be independent and intrepid. Alone in Paris, Nell finds a version of herself she never knew existed . . . In the ten other stories, Jojo Moyes introduces us to a cast of strong, relatable women in the midst of their everyday lives. In Honeymoon in Paris, featuring characters from her bestselling novel, The Girl You Left Behind, Liv and Sophie - though decades apart - both find that marriage is only the beginning of their love stories. In Crocodile Shoes, a businesswoman's blossoming confidence emerges from a fateful changing-room mix-up. And in both Love in the Afternoon and A Bird in the Hand, two couples dance around the trickiness of long-time marriage. In this irresistible collection, readers will be whisked from elegant perfume shops to taxis to five-star hotel rooms and more. Jojo Moyes always makes the ordinary moments in life extraordinary. Funny, charming, and unmissable, Paris for One and Other Stories is Moyes at her best. *Published in the UK as Honeymoon in Paris and Other Stories* Sdílet 0

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