Deliciously Ella

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vázaná s laminovaným potahem
101,00 Kč

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The record-breaking bestselling cookbook of 2015 that's taken the healthy eating world by storm!**Look out for Deliciously Ella Every Day, Ella Woodward's new cookbook, coming 21st January 2016**From sumptuous desserts, to food on the go, delicious dips, raw treats and rainbow bowls of awesome veggies, Ella's philosophy is all about embracing the natural foods that your body loves and creating fre ...Celý popis

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Více informací
Autor Ella Woodward
Vazbavázaná s laminovaným potahem
Vydavatel Hodder & Stoughton
Počet stran256
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

The record-breaking bestselling cookbook of 2015 that's taken the healthy eating world by storm!**Look out for Deliciously Ella Every Day, Ella Woodward's new cookbook, coming 21st January 2016**From sumptuous desserts, to food on the go, delicious dips, raw treats and rainbow bowls of awesome veggies, Ella's philosophy is all about embracing the natural foods that your body loves and creating fresh, simple dishes which are easy to make and taste amazing. Featuring more than 100 new sugar-free, gluten-free and dairy-free recipes to excite your taste buds, this collection will inspire you to eat for better health, glowing skin and boundless energy.A reformed sugar monster herself, Ella knows just how daunting the idea of changing your diet can be. Her must-read blog, DELICIOUSLY ELLA, which gets two million visitors a month from all over the world, was inspired by her own health adventure and everything she has learned by healing herself simply through diet. It's truly amazing to see what you can do with these simple ingredients and how you can so easily create a deliciously healthy version of your favourite dishes.More than anything, Ella wants to show that this way of eating is absolutely not about deprivation and starvation, but instead is about embracing a positive, healthy way of life.

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