Upstream Intermediate B2 (3rd edition) - Student´s Workbook

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Kurz určený pro pokročilé studenty. Série zaručuje procvičení jazykových dovedností na odpovídajících úrovních. Na každý díl se doporučuje 100 až 120 vyučovacích hodin. Upstream Intermediate B2 is a modular secondarylevel course for learners of the English language at postintermediate level appropriate for the revised ESOL Cambridge Examinations or any other examinations at the same level of diffi ...Celý popis

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Kurz určený pro pokročilé studenty. Série zaručuje procvičení jazykových dovedností na odpovídajících úrovních. Na každý díl se doporučuje 100 až 120 vyučovacích hodin. Upstream Intermediate B2 is a modular secondarylevel course for learners of the English language at postintermediate level appropriate for the revised ESOL Cambridge Examinations or any other examinations at the same level of difficulty. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units Key Features themebased units from a wide variety of sources in five modules a variety of crosscultural topics systematic development of all four language skills through realistic challenging tasks which encourage the learners personal engagement lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary including collocations, idioms, phrasal verbs and word formation a variety of authentic stimulating reading and listening tasks realistic, stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations grammar sections covering all major grammatical areas plus a Grammar Reference Section composition analysis and practice on all types of writing with full models a wide range of speaking activities intonation and pronunciation sections Culture Clips Literature pages Upstream Intermediate B2 is a modular secondarylevel course for learners of the English language at postintermediate level appropriate for the revised ESOL Cambridge Examinations or any other examinations at the same level of difficulty. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units Key Features themebased units from a wide variety of sources in five modules a variety of crosscultural topics systematic development of all four language skills through realistic challenging tasks which encourage the learners personal engagement lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary including collocations, idioms, phrasal verbs and word formation a variety of authentic stimulating reading and listening tasks realistic, stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations grammar sections covering all major grammatical areas plus a Grammar Reference Section composition analysis and practice on all types of writing with full models a wide range of speaking activities intonation and pronunciation sections Culture Clips Literature pages

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