Staying Strong

Velmi dobrý (použitá)
vázaná s laminovaným potahem
48,00 Kč

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Demi Lovato wakes up each morning and affirms her commitment to herself-to her health, her happiness, her being. Those commitments are the bedrock of her recovery and her work helping other young people dealing with the issues she lives with every single day. Demi is a platinum-selling recording artist whose latest album-DEMI-is already a smash hit. She's about to embark on her second season as a ...Celý popis

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Autor Demi Lovato
Vazbavázaná s laminovaným potahem
Vydavatel Headline
Počet stran416
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

Demi Lovato wakes up each morning and affirms her commitment to herself-to her health, her happiness, her being. Those commitments are the bedrock of her recovery and her work helping other young people dealing with the issues she lives with every single day. Demi is a platinum-selling recording artist whose latest album-DEMI-is already a smash hit. She's about to embark on her second season as a judge on X-Factor, and just launched The Lovato Treatment Scholarship Program. And she is an outspoken advocate for young people everywhere. Demi is also a young woman finding her way in the world. She has dealt deftly with her struggles in the face of public scrutiny, and she has always relied, not just on friends and family, but daily affirmations of her self-worth and value. Affirmations that steady her days and strengthen her resolve. Those affirmations have grown into STAYING STRONG, a powerful 365-day collection of Demi's most powerful, honest, and hopeful insights. Each day will provide the readers with a quote, a personal reflection and a goal. These are Demi's words. Words she lives by and shares with the people she loves and total strangers alike.

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