It : film tie-in edition of Stephen King's IT

Výborný (použitá)
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Film tie-in for the new 2017 film, which will be in theatres from September 8th. SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOVIE IN 2017 directed by Andres Muschietti and starring Bill Skarsgard as the story's central villain, Pennywise, and an ensemble of young actors including Finn Wolfhard (Stranger Things) To the children, the town was their whole world. To the adults, knowing better, Derry Maine was just their home ...Celý popis

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Více informací
Autor Stephen King
Vydavatel Hodder
Počet stran1392
Rok vydání27.7.2017
StavVýborný (použitá)

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Film tie-in for the new 2017 film, which will be in theatres from September 8th. SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOVIE IN 2017 directed by Andres Muschietti and starring Bill Skarsgard as the story's central villain, Pennywise, and an ensemble of young actors including Finn Wolfhard (Stranger Things) To the children, the town was their whole world. To the adults, knowing better, Derry Maine was just their home town: familiar, well-ordered for the most part. A good place to live. It is the children who see - and feel - what makes the small town of Derry so horribly different. In the storm drains, in the sewers, IT lurks, taking on the shape of every nightmare, each one's deepest dread. Sometimes IT reaches up, seizing, tearing, killing . . . Time passes and the children grow up, move away and forget. Until they are called back, once more to confront IT as IT stirs and coils in the sullen depths of their memories, reaching up again to make their past nightmares a terrible present reality. Sdílet 0

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