After We Collided (After 2)

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Hardin has nothing to lose...except her. AFTER WE COLLIDED Life will never be the same. After a tumultuous beginning to their relationship, Tessa and Hardin were on the path to making things work. Tessa knew Hardin could be cruel, but when a bombshell revelation is dropped about the origins of their relationship - and Hardin's mysterious past - Tessa is beside herself. Hardin will always be...Hard ...Celý popis

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Autor Anna Todd
Vazbaměkká vazba
Vydavatel Simon & Schuster
Počet stran592
Rok vydání1.9.2015
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

Hardin has nothing to lose...except her. AFTER WE COLLIDED Life will never be the same. After a tumultuous beginning to their relationship, Tessa and Hardin were on the path to making things work. Tessa knew Hardin could be cruel, but when a bombshell revelation is dropped about the origins of their relationship - and Hardin's mysterious past - Tessa is beside herself. Hardin will always be...Hardin. But is he really the deep, thoughtful guy Tessa fell madly in love with, despite his angry exterior, or has he been a stranger all along? She wishes she could just walk away, but it just isn't that easy. Not with the memory of passionate nights wrapped in his arms...his electric touch...his hungry kisses...Still, Tessa's not sure she can endure one more broken promise. She put so much on hold for Hardin - University, friends, her relationship with her mother, a loving boyfriend, even her fledgling career. She needs to move on. Hardin knows he made a mistake, possibly the biggest one of his life, but he won't be going down without a fight! But can he change...will he change...for love? 

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