All You Need to Know about the Music Business: 10th Edition

Výborný (použitá)
182,00 Kč

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All You Need to Know About the Music Business by veteran music lawyer Don Passman--dubbed "the industry bible" by the Los Angeles Times--is now updated to address the biggest transformation of the music industry yet: streaming. For more than twenty-five years, All You Need to Know About the Music Business has been universally regarded as the definitive guide to the music industry. Now in its tenth ...Celý popis

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Autor Passman Donald S.
Vydavatel Simon & Schuster
Rok vydání2019
StavVýborný (použitá)

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All You Need to Know About the Music Business by veteran music lawyer Don Passman--dubbed "the industry bible" by the Los Angeles Times--is now updated to address the biggest transformation of the music industry yet: streaming.

For more than twenty-five years, All You Need to Know About the Music Business has been universally regarded as the definitive guide to the music industry. Now in its tenth edition, Donald Passman leads novices and experts alike through what has been the most profound change in the music business since the days of wax cylinders and piano rolls. For the first time in history, music is no longer monetized by selling something--it's monetized by how many times listeners stream a song. And that completely changes the ecosystem of the business, as Passman explains in detail.

Since the advent of file-sharing technology in the


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