Second Half

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No. 1 bestselling memoir of Roy Keane, former captain of Manchester United and Ireland - co-written with Man Booker Prize-winner Roddy Doyle. Now updated. In a stunning collaboration with Booker Prize-winning author Roddy Doyle, Roy Keane gives a brutally honest account of his last days as a player, the highs and lows of his managerial career, and his life as an outspoken ITV pundit. "Roy Keane's ...Celý popis

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Autor Roddy Doyle
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

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No. 1 bestselling memoir of Roy Keane, former captain of Manchester United and Ireland - co-written with Man Booker Prize-winner Roddy Doyle. Now updated. In a stunning collaboration with Booker Prize-winning author Roddy Doyle, Roy Keane gives a brutally honest account of his last days as a player, the highs and lows of his managerial career, and his life as an outspoken ITV pundit. "Roy Keane's book is a masterpiece ... It may well be the finest, most incisive deconstruction of football management that the game has ever produced." -- Mail on Sunday "A genuine pleasure ... His thoughts on his players are humane, interesting, candid and never less than believable." -- The Times "The best things are the small things: regretting joining Ipswich when he discovered the training kit was blue; refusing to sign Robbie Savage because his answerphone message was rubbish; being appalled that his side had listened to an Abba song before playing football." -- Evening Standard "The book is brilliantly constructed, rattling along at breakneck speed ...full of self-deprecation ...a ruthless self-examination." -- Daily Telegraph

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