Tribe of Mentors : Short Life Advice from the Best in the World

Výborný (použitá)
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We All Need Mentors. Here are more than 100 of the World’s Best. When facing life’s questions, who do you turn to for advice? We all need mentors, particularly when the odds seem stacked against us. To find his own, bestselling author and podcast guru Tim Ferriss tracked down more than 100 eclectic experts to help him, and you, navigate life. Through short, action-packed profiles, he shares their ...Celý popis

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Autor Timothy Ferriss
Vydavatel Ebury Publishing
Počet stran598
Rok vydání21.11.2017
StavVýborný (použitá)

Popis knihy

We All Need Mentors. Here are more than 100 of the World’s Best. When facing life’s questions, who do you turn to for advice? We all need mentors, particularly when the odds seem stacked against us. To find his own, bestselling author and podcast guru Tim Ferriss tracked down more than 100 eclectic experts to help him, and you, navigate life. Through short, action-packed profiles, he shares their secrets for success, happiness, meaning, and more. No matter the challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help. You will learn: - The three books legendary investor Ray Dalio recommends most often- Lessons and tips from elite athletes like Maria Sharapova, Kelly Slater, Tony Hawk and Dan Gable- How and why Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz says no to most incoming requests- The meditation and mindfulness practices of David Lynch, Jimmy Fallon, Sharon Salzberg, Rick Rubin, Sarah Elizabeth Lewis and others- The high-school loss that motivated actor Terry Crews for life . . . and how you can use the lesson- Why TED curator Chris Anderson thinks ‘pursue your passion’ is terrible advice- How Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens went from repeated rejections to global mega-bestseller- Why comedian Patton Oswalt wishes at least one catastrophic failure on anyone in the arts- Astrophysicist Janna Levin’s unique reframe that helps her see obstacles as opportunities- Why actor Ben Stiller likes to dunk his head in a bucket of ice in the morning TIM FERRISS is one of Fast Company’s ‘Most Innovative Business People’ and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Alibaba and more. He is also the author of The 4-Hour Work Week, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef and Tools of Titans. The Observer and other media have named him ‘the Oprah of audio’ due to the influence of his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which has exceeded 200 million downloads.

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