Get Your Sh*t Together

Velmi dobrý (použitá)
vázaná s laminovaným potahem
85,00 Kč

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From the author of the bestselling book everyone is talking about, The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k.the no-f**ks-given, no-holds-barred guide to living your best life.Ever find yourself snowed under at the office - or even just glued to the sofa - when you really want to get out (for once), get to the gym (at last), and get started on that daunting dream project you're always putting o ...Celý popis

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Více informací
Autor Sarah Knight
Vazbavázaná s laminovaným potahem
Vydavatel Quercus publishing
Počet stran287
StavVelmi dobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

From the author of the bestselling book everyone is talking about, The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k.the no-f**ks-given, no-holds-barred guide to living your best life.Ever find yourself snowed under at the office - or even just glued to the sofa - when you really want to get out (for once), get to the gym (at last), and get started on that daunting dream project you're always putting off? Then it's time to get your sh*t together. In The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, 'anti-guru' Sarah Knight introduced the joys of mental decluttering. Get Your Sh*t Together takes you one stop further - organizing the f*cks you want and need to give to help you quit your day job and move abroad, balance work and fun - and save money while you're at it - or simply get out of the door for happy hour, every day. What everyone is saying about our favourite anti-guru Sarah Knight:'Life-affirming . . . The key practice she advocates is devising for yourself a "fuck budget" . . . It's a beautiful way of streamlining your psyche' Guardian'The best book I have read recently . . . Absolutely blinding. Read it. Do it.' Daily Mail'Genius' Cosmopolitan'I love Knight's book before I even start reading it' Sunday Times Magazine'The anti-guru' Observe

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