Liar Liar: (Harriet Blue 3) (Detective Harriet Blue Series)

Výborný (použitá)
měkká vazba
30,00 Kč

Detective Harriet Blue is clear about two things. Regan Banks deserves to die. And she’ll be the one to pull the trigger. But Regan – the vicious serial killer responsible for destroying her brother’s life – has gone to ground. Suddenly, her phone rings. It’s him. Regan. ‘Catch me if you can,’ he tells her. Harriet needs to find this killing machine fast, even if the cost is her own life. So she f ...Celý popis

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Autor James Patterson
Vazbaměkká vazba
Vydavatel Arrow books
Počet stran378
Rok vydání14.5.2019
StavVýborný (použitá)

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Detective Harriet Blue is clear about two things. Regan Banks deserves to die. And she’ll be the one to pull the trigger. But Regan – the vicious serial killer responsible for destroying her brother’s life – has gone to ground. Suddenly, her phone rings. It’s him. Regan. ‘Catch me if you can,’ he tells her. Harriet needs to find this killing machine fast, even if the cost is her own life. So she follows him down the Australian south coast with only one thing on her mind. Revenge is coming – and its name is Harriet Blue …

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