The Prisoner´s Wife : based on an inspiring true story

Výborný (použitá)
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Their love is a death sentence. But can it keep them alive? Czechoslovakia, 1944. In the dead of night, a farm girl and a British soldier creep through abandoned villages. Secretly married and on the run, Bill and Izabela are searching for Izabela's brother and father, who are fighting for the Czech resistance. They know their luck will not last. Captured by the German army, it seems they must be ...Celý popis

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Autor Maggie Brookes
VazbaKnihy - paperback
Vydavatel Cornerstone
Počet stran416
Rok vydání3.9.2020
StavVýborný (použitá)

Popis knihy

Their love is a death sentence. But can it keep them alive? Czechoslovakia, 1944. In the dead of night, a farm girl and a British soldier creep through abandoned villages. Secretly married and on the run, Bill and Izabela are searching for Izabela's brother and father, who are fighting for the Czech resistance. They know their luck will not last. Captured by the German army, it seems they must be separated - but they have prepared for this moment. By cutting her hair and pretending to be mute, Izabela successfully disguises herself as a British soldier. Together, they face the terrible conditions of a POW camp, reliant on the help of their fellow POWs to maintain their fragile deception. Their situation is beyond dangerous. If Izabela is discovered, she and Bill - and all the men who helped them - will face lethal consequences. A novel set in war-torn Czechoslovakia amid the extreme privations of a prisoner of war camp, based on a true story of passion, heroism and a love that transcends overwhelming odds.

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