Life of Pi

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Since it won the 2002 Booker Prize, Life of Pi has gone on to sell nearly 2 million copies, it is the biggest selling winner of all time, and is widely regarded as a modern classic. It is a tale of disaster at sea. Both a boys' own adventure (for grown-ups) and a meditation on faith and the value of religious metaphor, it is one of the most extraordinary and original novels of recent times. In a n ...Celý popis

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Autor Yann Martel
Vazbaměkká vazba
Vydavatel Canongate Books
Počet stran432
Rok vydání1.7.2009
StavDobrý (použitá)

Popis knihy

Since it won the 2002 Booker Prize, Life of Pi has gone on to sell nearly 2 million copies, it is the biggest selling winner of all time, and is widely regarded as a modern classic. It is a tale of disaster at sea. Both a boys' own adventure (for grown-ups) and a meditation on faith and the value of religious metaphor, it is one of the most extraordinary and original novels of recent times. In a new format, with a step-back cover, and with a new reading group guide, this is the ultimate edition of the book that is a perennial reading group favourite, and was recently featured in the Waterstone's list of the top 20 books of all time in the Daily Telegraph.

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